The Human Resource Mandate is geared toward staff Welfare, Records Management Capacity Building (Career Development), Promotion, leave etc and also ensuring that Staff works within an atmosphere free from threat, with requisite working material to enhance the efficiency in the Organization.
The ministry is housed at New England Ville and has its sub-offices in the regions i.e South-Bo, East-Kenema, North-East-Makeni, North-west-Port Loko, Kono and Cline town in the East-end of Freetown.
The Human Resource unit of the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Security is one of the key units in the ministry charged with the responsibility to look at all welfare activities of the staff of the ministry, supervise the Individual Performance Appraisal System, supervise the Annual Leave of staff, prepare Manpower plans and Budget for the ministry, supervise training at all levels for staff of the ministry according to the Training needs of the ministry and all human resource activities.