In industries or factories, there are certain machines which are considered dangerous if not properly maintained. Such machines are required by law to be periodically examined and tested. The Factory Inspectorate, which is an integral part of the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Security, has in its employment qualified engineers and technicians who have been specifically trained in Occupational Safety and Health to effectively carry out these responsibilities. The Statutory inspection comprises of visits to factory premises, wherein the inspectors carry out physical and technical tests on plants and machinery at the premises. These tests are done half yearly or annually, depending on the type of plant and machinery.
The first aspect of the statutory inspection is the Electrical Inspections comprise of visual and electrical tests by use of electrical instruments to determine the safety of electrical installations. The visual tests are to detect easily recognizable defects on electrical installation and circuits like naked wires and defective electrical appliances or gears.
The electrical tests are conducted by the use of electrical instruments to determine the safety and material fitness of the electrical installations. By such tests the correctness of the polarity effectiveness of the earthling systems and the insulation resistances of the cables are tested in accordance with recognized international standards.
The second aspect of the statutory inspection is the Mechanical Inspection. It comprises visual as well as mechanical tests. The types of appliances on which the mechanical inspection are carried out are: lifts (passenger and goods), cranes, boilers, pressure vessels, compressors, etc.
For lifts, visual tests are done on the lifting equipment like the rope, shacles, machines, and cages. Actual load tests are also carried out to determine the maximum load capacity of the lift.
For boilers, mechanical tests like steam tests and thickness tests are done to determine the material fitness
For pressure vessels and compressors, we also carry out the hammer test to determine the wear and tear of the metal/part of the compressor due to excessive internal corrosion over time.